Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Bluesdays 1

So as promised, every tuesday will be a rant or a rambling on either the state of music today or stuff that doesn't suck. This inaugural post will cover great songs from the man, the legend, the dude who died to young, Stevie Ray Vaughn. Stevie's life and times is a subject for a later post, Today I'll just talk a second about a song you should listen to in order to get a taste of what Stevie has to offer. When you have a few minutes to waste, or you're feeling a little down, take a moment and look up "Life Without You" preferably the live version. If this doesn't give you some pick up, you might need to seek professional help. Just take some time out of your day, sit back relax and enjoy. We'll be back to more important matters tomorrow, for now ladies and gentleman, enjoy.

Rakkis Out.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Do Not Look at the Finger or You Will Miss All That Heavenly Glory

For those of us that choose to carry defensive firearms, a little chat about the defensive mind frame.  The carrying of a firearm is an awesome responsibility, which is why there are all kinds of “house” rules regarding firearm safety. Those rules will be the topic of a later discussion. Call it what you like, be it “alert conditions”, “combat mindset”, ect.,  they are all the same. What we’re talking about is situational awareness. Situational awareness is the ability to take in all information regarding a developing situation and act upon that information in a calm and rational manner. We all have this ability, honing it is your responsibility. Now, Jeff Cooper invented the "Cooper Color Codes", It’s what I use, It’s what most CCW license holders use, If your occupation doesn’t require razor sharp awareness 27/7 I strongly suggest you start exercising the use of Coopers Color Codes. For those of us that DO require razor sharp awareness (as many of you know I’m an Air Traffic Controller), The paradigm shift to Coopers Color Codes should not be difficult, just a matter of adapting that awareness to a different use. There are MANY other writings on awareness and combat philosophy, among those I highly recommend are Bruce Lee’s The Tao of Jeet Kune Do, On Combat, The Psychology and Physiology of Deadly Conflict in War and in Peace by Lt. Col. Dave Grossman, and Sharpening the Warriors Edge: The Psychology & Science of Training by Bruce K. Siddle.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

All Along the Watchtower

There are more than just Service Members and Law Enforcement watching your back. For this post I was thinking about following that statement up with a rant about citizen gun owners, but in life there's more than just those guys and gals out there looking out for us. So here’s some love for the Firefighters, EMT’s, apolitical Church Organizations, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, and all others who take time from their lives to lend a helping hand to their fellow man, regardless of race, status, or creed. Most of these people are fairly selfless, and either work for free or a pittance salary. So next time you see one, just say thanks, they might not say much back, but it’ll mean more to them than you’ll ever know. Sadly in todays world, most of their work goes unnoticed. Leading me to say to any of the aforementioned that may read this: Thanks Guys, next rounds on me.


PS: Incidentally, during all the Michael Jackson coverage someone important died.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

An ounce of loyalty is worth a pound of cleverness

So inside the military as everyone knows is a Chain of Command.  The Chain of Command exists for a reason. That reason is to ensure that under no uncertain circumstances there is a contingency plan for decision making. Within every Command form US Navy Bases to US Army posts there are multiple Chains of Command reaching from the highest O-10 to the lowest E-1 and everywhere in-between. It is the “in-between” that is the subject of this post.

Air Traffic Control in the US Military is a different world. In our world exclusively governed by black and white rules of altitudes and mileage is a place devoid of Military Courtesy. The Tower Cab, and Radar Room have no room for such “situationally” petty nuances. These places are for professional behavior, not military behavior. Military behavior in such an environment gets people killed, plain and simple. An Air Traffic Controller worth his/her salt will save more lives in one shift, by separating aircraft than an ER surgeon will in his/her entire career. Now, speaking in professional terms, In an Air Traffic Control Tower (ATCT) there is a Chain of Command separate from that of the Military. This Chain of Command is solely dependent on qualifications. If an E-3 is qualified higher than an E-7, then in an ATCT the  E-3 is in charge, this is a safety protocol, and is designed to work as it does. Now, As with ALL Chains of Command, from Military, to Government to Corporate, Morale is a defining factor in the amount of productivity achieved. Lack of Morale in a conventional setting results in a loss in productivity. In the Air Traffic Control world, Lack of Morale results in loss of life. Here is where Loyalty enters the picture.

Loyalty is defined by Webster as “the quality or state of being unswerving in allegiance” . Loyalty in an ATCT is paramount. Lack of loyalty results in the cut-throat environment common in most professions. A cut-throat environment in an ATCT is deadly plain and simple. If one controller is willing to make a mistake to discredit another controller for the sole purpose of advancing his/her position, people can die. This is why most Air Traffic Controllers you will meet (If you meet any) will be the most humble conceited bastards/bitches you’ll ever meet. So, Next time you fly, think of us. We live in a World Apart, but that Domain exists for you. Fair skies and following Winds.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Like Sheep to The Slaughter

A fairly frequent subject on here will be firearms, and the rights afforded us as citizens of this Great Nation regarding those firearms. One commonly contested right throughout all 50 states is the right to carry a firearm on ones person either in a concealed or open manner. Being from the great State of North Carolina I and my fellow Carolinians enjoy the right to carry a concealed firearm if licensed, and openly carry if not. The purpose of this post is not to debate the minor nuances of the law throughout the nation but to explain to those who may not be completely aware of the reasons they SHOULD be able to carry a firearm whether they choose to exercise that right or not.

A great majority of our countrymen and women view the world through rose colored glasses. They wake up every morning, walk out of their middle class house with their coffee, grab the morning paper, wave to the police car as the patrolman drives by, and goes about his business. The view of Law Enforcement by law abiding citizens is commonly akin to that of a watchdog. A stalwart guardian ready and willing to come to your aid at a moments notice. However, such is not reality. On two separate occasions Castle Rock v. Gonzales and DeShaney v. Winnebago County, the Supreme Court ruled that Police forces have no Constitutional responsibility to protect an individual. It is the responsibility of Law Enforcement to respond to an individuals emergency. A common saying among those in the defensive firearm circles is “when seconds count, the police are only minutes away”. It is YOUR responsibility to protect and defend YOURSELF. If in an imminent situation Law Enforcement is available, so much the better, if not, your fate lies in your hand. Just some food for thought.


Further Reading:

Justices Rule Police Do Not Have a Constitutional Duty to Protect Someone

Police Have No Duty To Protect Individuals

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Paradise Lost

I find myself in a state of lachrymosity over the current path this Great Nation is taking. The American People have grown fat and lazy. We as a nation expect the Government to hand us everything, Accountability is gone, responsibility for ones actions is gone, it sickens me. This mind frame is evident across the board insofar as American domestic affairs are concerned. You see it during Natural disasters, people on top of their houses with signs saying "Help Me" when you have already been told to evacuate. You see it in todays financial hardships, A Stimulus Package that asks me and you to help pay some ones mortgage because they cannot live within their means. Massive expansion of Government intervention in everyday affairs is not the answer. The answer is a return to the core values that made this country so great to begin with. The belief that hard work in a free economy will be rewarded. The belief that we ARE the shining city upon a hill whose beacon light guides freedom-loving people everywhere.

Societus Lupus Continuous

What is the measure of a man? Is it friends, money, knowledge? Lets hope for my sake it's not money. I have friends in spades, and as to knowledge, I'm pretty much over-educated, a wealth of insignificant and useless knowledge. Can you measure a man by the impact he has on the world? Or should you measure him by the impact he has on his world? Neither I think. Actually I think it's none of the above. I believe the measure of a man is how much he has loved in his life. To be more specific, I think it is how much that love is returned. Maybe that's why it feels so empty and lonely sometimes. Can any of us not truly count on one hand how many people (immediate family excluded) have actually returned the love you gave them? A friend of mine Sean Sala once said (and I hope he doesn't mind me stealing... but) "Our hearts are not soft at all. But made of iron. We need hearts of flesh. But even fleshly hearts will harden if blood does not flow though it." Our Society is so caught up on it's self it refuses to see the good people have to offer, choosing the latest trend to be it's moral compass rather. Books, television, music and movies, all have a fine time portraying good people, honor, love, and yet when the credits roll, the masses go back to check their e-mails for signs that their shifty inner-circle maneuvering has somehow succeeded in bettering their life, never mind at the expense of others, just so long as this temporary alliance with this genuine person gets me to where I need to be. Is this where we are as a people? Where the choosing of a mate is based on physique and money, rather than devotion and honor? How can the greatest society in the history of the world be so materialistic? How can we continue on and hope to survive? What is the measure of a man this day in age? The amount of wool you can shave off him, people are sheep... following where ever the herd goes, for the sole fact that that's what everyone else is doing. Friends... Be wolves. Have the pack mentality, care for those around you as they do, tackle problems as a group. Stand apart from the herd. Robert Frost once wrote "...and i took the road less traveled, and that made all the difference." Why do we fight? to give you the choice... Am I a Sheep? or am I a Wolf? Only you can know, inside your heart of hearts, decide... one way or another, and with that decision, make a difference in your world, love in your world.

Societus Lupus

The Wolf gets a bad rap in my opinion, Throughout the centuries we have projected on to the wolf the qualities we most despise and fear in ourselves. Savagery, blood-lust, disregard for the flickering flame of life, willing to snuff that flame out the instant it furthers our own selfish goals. Long forgotten by the masses are the truly magnanimous traits of the Wolf. Honor, loyalty, order, restraint. The Wolf respects the packs hierarchy, the wolf never betrays his own kind, the wolf never takes what's more that needed to survive. Noble characteristics to be admired and emulated. No, instead we take this regal creature and demonize it, make it's lonely howl at thing to send chills down ones spine, instill in it the very things we are most afraid of. When in reality we are more likely to ravage ourselves than to become victim to anything else. There is much of the wolf to be desired in modern society. But the masses are much more content to be Sheep...
Being Sheep is easier, there is no free thought required. There is just do what everyone else is doing. Move with the herd wherever the Trend Shepherd tells you to go. Trend Shepherd CNN tells you what to think, Trend Shepherd MTV tell you what to wear, life is good! What's next guys?! I know! Let's worry about the "Crisis in Darfur" Madonna and George Clooney say it's bad there!. Open your eyes...
Take care of your own as the wolf does. The Sheep gets taken care of. A people in a country half way around the world are killing each other and inflicting grievous acts upon themselves. Horrible horrible things agreed, yet they've been doing these things since time immemorial, they will not stop now. Meanwhile YOUR countrymen are being wounded or killed to the tune of three a DAY and you ignore them, allow them to be relegated to a numerical footnote at the end of the evening news. Must you support what their doing? No. Again, I am a fan of free thought. What it is you MUST do, is support THEM. Whether you like it or not, the Airman, Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines are deployed FOR YOU, they spend months and years away from their loved ones, in harms way to protect your RIGHT to choose to Sheep or Wolves. Do not disgrace this selfless act, sometimes to the point to that greatest of sacrifices by ignoring them, debasing them as the uneducated dregs of society following mindlessly the direction the government points. Lest you forget this Great Country was founded by "We The People..." 7 years ago "We The People" Sent them over there. Hope you haven't forgotten why yet. Watch this if you have...